Any questions before or while playing the game? Look at our FAQ and video guide.

“Whoever controls the narrative, controls the people.”

You are “Cifra”, a new recruit of a group of people, calling themselves “Omnividence” who are dedicated to take a full control over world no matter what. They are strong believers that at the current state of the world, people are doomed to misery and meaningless existence. So they have made a decision to lead people into a greater world, but for it to exist – the old one need to collapse, and they are willing to use all elements of influence: social, spiritual and military. However, for all of it to work, they need to ensure that when the chaos starts, people will see them as the new light out of it. Here where you come in. You are entrusted with the most important mission out of all of them. You must ensure that people hear, trust and fear them and even more, people will follow them to the new Age.

Introduction to

This project is a part of Ukrainian Global Game Jam and The 2025 United with Ukraine Game Jam. This game was made in two weeks by:

  • Elfstann - team lead, narrative, art, UI,  programming,  game design;
  • Unlugir -  programming, game balance, graphics programming, mathematical model, game design;
  • Zedway - sound design, game design, video editing, sound editing;

Assets that were used in development:

  • Videos by Pressmaster,  cottonbro studio
  • Photos by Eliécer  Gómez, Rachel Claire, MELIANI Driss, Nuh Köstekli, Oleksandr Plakhota, Moussa Idrissi, Roberto Nickson, Magda Ehlers, Efrem  Efre, Darcy Lawrey, Manu.soluciones, Zukiman Mohamad, Blue Ox Studio, Darshak Pandya, Efrem  Efre, McBarth™ Obeya, Zakir Rushanly, SevenStorm JUHASZIMRUS, Abby Chung, Ninara
  • Icons by Md Tanvirul Haque, Assia Benkerroum

If you believe that we used your assets, but forgot to mention you, please, reach out to any of us and we will resolve it.


What login and password I need to input?

Just try inputting anything until the text turns red :)


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Thanks for the game. It tried but failed. I think I agree, a map would have been easier from a ux perspective. I did not understand what you had to do in the “tech tree modal”

(1 edit) (-1)

Tried playing it. A few notes:

- The spinning globe is a major distraction. I had to continuously pan around the globe to keep track of each region's progress.
- The recovery system is way too fast. I was barely able to get a region beyond 20% before they recovered.